Friday, December 5, 2008

Installing Schaller Violin Tuning Pegs

Today I installed some Schaller tuners on a fiddle that we now have for sale in our shop. I happened to notice that the instructions that came along with these tuners were quite laughable. Take a look at this (click on the picture to make it larger):

I decided that I would do a search on the internet to find some better instructions, and was not able to find any. I even looked on Schaller's website, which is supposed to have instructions on all their tuners. Since there was nothing else to be found (at least I couldn't find it), I decided this would be a good topic upon which to post a how-to video. I took some still pictures and added narration to it and here's what I came up with. Hopefully somebody else out there will find this helpful or at least interesting!

1 comment:

mike watkins said...

Hello I was looking around the computer today and found your sight.Thanks for the tuner pegs instructions .It helped me a lot, these didn't come instructions.I am going to put these on this old fiddle I have.