Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Playing with Confidence

We had a discussion about this last night after our beginner's jam. It is also something that I was thinking about today as I drove here, listening to a CD of some good bluegrass music. Playing with confidence is one of the most important aspects of a person's music. I think it intertwines with playing with feeling. They may even be inseparable.

You can be a technical genious, never missing a note or rhythm, but still not make beautiful music. My flute teacher used to tell me that I had played every note on the page, but that it was just a bunch of notes. Until I played my flute with a piano player who could play with feeling, I was unable to master this. Now that I have this ability, I have also noticed that when I play my fiddle or banjo (or whatever else) with someone else who has this ability, I play even better. It is contagious. You can even feel it in the air. Haven't you ever heard someone say they like a band better "LIVE" than the band's CD? Showmanship is almost everything. I don't like to listen to "bad" music, but I know that I can withstand many more bad notes & rhythm if the people performing are entertaining.

Now, why am I bringing this up? It is because this is something that every beginner can do right away that will improve the way they sound. It doesn't take practice in the same way as playing correct notes and rhythm. It just means going through the motions of "putting on confidence." Hold your head up; play the notes like you mean business; give it all you've got! If you are going to sound bad, what have you got to lose? You can play all the right notes and not sound good, too. Your instrument and your physical playing become one, and it is apparent to all who watch. It is also apparent even if you can only listen.

Which brings me to the CD I was listening to in the car this morning. The fiddle playing was technically quite good, but sounded as if the person was holding back. I wanted to feel the music, and I actually wondered if the person playing even liked to play.

Remember -- everyone currently playing had to start at the beginning, too. We understand that you will make mistakes. We understand that you can't play everything. Put your heart into what you're doing and you will sound better! Instantly! It's free and it's something you can use forever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very true, and goes to the heart of what has held me back for an embarrassingly long time as a beginner.

A fiddle can smell fear.